Know Your Rights (KYR)
Protect yourself and your loved ones by understanding your rights. This flyer provides resources including videos, apps, and guides, through the QR codes. They quickly and clearly explain what to do if ICE knocks on your door, how to safely assert your rights, and steps to prepare in advance to safeguard your family in case of deportation. Knowledge is power—take action today to stay informed and empowered.
Conozca Sus Derechos! (KYR)
Entendido sus derechos es importante para protegerse a usted y sus seres queridos. Este volante ofrece recursos, incluyendo videos, aplicaciones y guías, a través de los códigos QR. Estos explican claramente que hacer si ICE llega a su puerta, cuales son sus derechos y como usarlos de manera segura. También pasos para prepararse y proteger a su familia en caso que sea detenido. El conocimiento es poder: tome acción hoy para mantenerse informado y empoderado.
KNOW THE NUMBER – BY HEART — OF A DESIGNATED PERSON TO CONTACT if detained and make sure they have list of all people to contact and steps to take if you are detained or deported.
Know Your Rights Flyer

Only a Judicial Warrant allows ICE to enter private spaces. An Administrative Warrant will not be enough. Review the two kind of warrants below: